Circular Harvest
4lb Blue Oyster Millet Grain Spawn
4lb Blue Oyster Millet Grain Spawn
All our grain spawn is made to order which can take 2-6 weeks to receive.
Circular Harvest Grain Spawn is the perfect product for anyone looking to increase their mushroom production. Our high quality spawn allows hobby growers and commercial growers alike to meet their mushroom growing needs. Simply add it to grain to make more grain spawn or to a hardwood substrate to make fruiting blocks. Using grain spawn in an outdoor mushroom bed made of straw or hardwood chips is also a great option. Each bag of grain spawn can inoculate up to 20 bags of our 6 lbs sterilized substrate bags.
This product is inoculated from agar culture and is grown on Millet which ensures it is healthy and strong. It is recommended to use it once received for best results. However, it can be stored in a refrigerator for up to 3 months if needed. Additional information can be provided upon request.
Oyster mushrooms are regarded as a delicacy in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese cuisine. This mushroom species is frequently served on its own, in soups, stuffed, or in stir-fry recipes. The mushroom's taste has been described as mild with a slight odor similar to anise. Oyster's are best when picked young; as the mushroom ages the flesh becomes tough and the flavor becomes acrid and unpleasant.